University professor suffers lost of 300 million

With the dropping of HSBC share price, the MPF of many Hong Kong universities staffs are becoming lower values. If one professor is going to retire this year, it is estimate he will be lossing 300 million of his money.

One professor says, it is like being jobless for several years. And it is believe many will request for further service to extend their retire plan. Take Hong Kong Chinese University with 2600 staffs as example, those investment in Hong Kong stock suffers nearly 52% lost.

Other like HKUST and City University, having about 10% in their porfolio, and this costs about 46% drops in their retirement fund. Baptist University has 1025 staffs, with 20 going to retire this year. Hong Kong University has 1980 stass, and about 50 are going to retire within this year.

Many have choosen not to withdraw their money in the retirement fund, and hopefully after a few years, they manage to get back more money.


Chinese New Year at Sha Tin 沙田 车公庙

The temple 车公庙 in Sha Tin 沙田 is one of the oldest temple in Hong Kong. So many people will come here during Chinese New Year, especially during the 3rd day (as it is not supposed to visit relatives or friends during 年初三), to pray for a better year ahead. The special of this temple is due to the little windmill 風車. Here got some photos, to let you see the temple, inside, outside, and of course, the crowd.

Hope everyone in good health condition, economics is doing better and everyone happy.

This Billionaire, who used to be Faye Wong's neighbour, lost $11b within one night

He owned over 10 luxury houses, 3 Benz sport cars, 1 yatch worth 680 million, and nearly wanted to buy an aeroplane! He is also Faye Wong (王菲) neighbour. But within one night, he lost $11 billion and everything, then bankrupt.

He starts everything from a small printing business. During 1978, he was a leaner, after that open his factory. During peak period, he has 5 factories with 5000 staffs. After that, he earns big buck in the property market: "buy an old flat with 10 million, renovate, and sell it with 20 million". He says: "So easy to earn money! 都幾好賺".

Now he has been jobless for 4 years. He survies the 1982 recession, 1998 financial crisis, but unfortunately, he cannot pass through the 2003 SARS. Part of the reason is because his wife passed away on 2002. So now his advise to everyone is: "Money is just a brunch of numbers, enough to use is good enough, most important are friends and family are by your side, and in good health!" 「金錢只是一堆數字,夠用便可以,最重要朋友、家人在身邊,身體健康!」


Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Chinese New Year Parade 2009

After watching the grand fireworks yesterday, how you feel? Here got the video of the Chinese New Year Parade at HK Tsim Sha Tsui. How long it lasts, I not sure, but you can see plenty of girls dancing, long dragon, colorful cars and varieties of music and performances. Here got a 5 parts collections of the parade, and below is the second part. Not sure why the photographer focus on this girl so much at the beginging.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

So tidy up the playful mood and getting back to work soon.....

The Giant 23 mins Hong Kong Chinese New Year Fireworks

Amazing, this is the only words from everyone mouth. This HUGE and GIANT fireworks during the 2nd day of Lunar Chinese New Year at Hong Kong is the biggest ever. And of course, tons of patterns and surprises. Not very sure who got the complete 23 minutes. The best I can find is only 10 + 4 (two parts). But I am sure that will be more than enough for you to enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2

Happy New Year and Kung Hei Fat Choi!

恒 生 銀 行 一 月 熱選

人 壽 保 險
推 廣 期 : 由 即 日 起 至 2009 年 2 月 28 日
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• 成 功 投 保 「 恒 生 保 險 」 之 「 豐 盛 歲 月 保 」人 壽 保 險 計 劃 , 而 年 繳 保 費 達 指 定 金 額 , 可 獲 贈 精 緻 「 聚 寶 金 牛 」 牛 皮 電 話 繩 乙 條 。
詳 情 請 瀏 覽

卡 類 服 務
推 廣 期 : 由 即 日 起 至 2009 年 2 月 28 日
於 推 廣 期 內 , 憑 恒 生 信 用 卡 於 美 心 西 餅 惠 顧 農 曆 新 年 蛋 糕 系 列 、 情 人 節 蛋 糕 系 列 及 其 他 鮮 忌 廉 蛋 糕 , 均 可 獲 享 8 折 優 惠 , 佳 節 滿 載 好 滋 味 。
訂 餅 及 查 詢 熱 線 : 2743 3311

卡 類 服 務
推 廣 期 : 2009 年 1 月 16 日 至 30 日
於 推 廣 期 內 , 逢 星 期 五 憑 恒 生 信 用 卡 於 惠 康 、 Market Place by Jasons 、 Oliver's The Delicatessen 或 ThreeSixty 每 次 單 一 簽 賬 淨 額 滿 HKD400 , 只 須 致 電 成 功 登 記 該 卡 1 次 , 即 可 激 賺 20x Cash Dollars 或 enJoy Dollars, 讓 你 於 新 春 佳 節 節 省 更 多 !
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於 推 廣 期 內 , 憑 恒 生 信 用 卡 簽 賬 或 透 支 現 金 滿 HKD500, 致 電 登 記 必 賺 額 外 $5/ $15/ $50 恒 生 信 用 卡 Cash Dollars, 兼 有 機 會 中 每 星 期 $10,000 Cash Dollars 巨 獎 !

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Now you can pray 黃大仙 online 網上祈福

Hong Kong 黃大仙 is the most famous temple in Hong Kong. Why? Because many people get whatever they want after requesting to 黃大仙. However, if you are oversea and afraid too much people (really long queue), you can now tell 黃大仙 all your wishes ONLINE!

All you need is to go to the website , follow the link (which I will provide you a direct link later), and key in your name, your email, and your wishes. Then they will manually burn the paper for you.

Click here to start your 黃大仙 網上祈福 direct link.

If you want to 接財神, these two posters may be userful to you.

Movies available during this Chinese New Year

No doubt, watch movie is one of the best (or maybe possible the only one) entertainment during Chinese New Year. So what are the movies available for this coming Chinese New Year? Here got a list...

1) Red Cliff 2 赤壁 - 决战天下 : hope there is no part 3, at least part 1 is not bad, except that it hang you half way.

2) Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 岸上的波儿 :No idea... but doesn't seem good to me.

3) Marley and Me 马利与我 : it is not a laughing movie as advertise, it will make you cry according to the review.

4) The curious Case of Benjamin Button 奇幻逆缘 : No idea too..

5) All's well End's well 2009 家有喜事 2009 : I think I will like this much, just like back to 10++ years ago when watching the first 家有喜事

6) Bolt : Disney 3D movie

Jordan Curry House 佐敦咖喱 *not so good*

There are some very traditional Indian food at Hong Kong. Most of them at the Tsim Sha Tshui 尖沙嘴 Chungking Mansion 重慶大厦, which I will tell you which one are good later on. But I want to talk about this Jordan Curry House 佐敦咖喱 at Jordan 佐敦.

I order a set dinner, which comes with the BBQ chicken (this one taste good):

I ordered vegetable 咖喱角 as well. Not bad:

But when comes to curry, it is so terrible... I feel like drinking water....

Though the beef are soft. So to eat curry, I strongly recommend you go to Chungking Mansion 重慶大厦, or if you want to eat at Jordan curry, don't order the set, because the curry taste really not so strong.

Cheap, interesting and quality toys along Temple Street 庙街 at Yau Ma Tei 油麻地

I like to walk along the Temple Street 庙街 near Yau Ma Tei 油麻地 portion. This part is far away from the Jordan 佐敦 portion, where they are targeting foreign tourists. Along the Temple Street that is in between Yau Ma Tei and Jordan (all th way to Yao Ma Tei), you can find a lot of interesting stuffs, which are cheap and good quality.

However, in some cases, you can get the same toy at several stalls, make sure you check out all the stalls before you buy, as the price can differ a lot. For example, a toy car, the lowest can be just HKD 10, while the other sell at HKD 20 and one even at HKD 30. On the other hand, some toys, you will find that only one stall is selling. One of such is the wooden crave as follows:

He claimed that those are hand-made by him, and he can only make 2 per day. They are not cheap, one of those costs you about HKD 80. But it is nice because he craves the wood according ot the shape, so they are perfectly matched. Next is those colorful bottle opener, can you guess how much is it?

They are double sided, both side are painted colorfully. Each of them only HKD 10! And there are something funny as well, e.g. the chicken below:

Why I say intersting, look at the video below and you will know why:

Remember, get yourself some toys when you are here, many of them are cheap. But be sure you bargain the price and do more survey before you buy.

Thai food 黄珍珍 at Jordan

Though this restaurant has a good location with nice decoration. But I think the food doesn't not worth the value. The taste is normal, and most disappointing is the "durian friend rice", basically just fried rice, no durian at all, don't even a smell. The other food, also normal. Just feel like normal chinese cooking, nothing special of thai.

To me, it doesn't worth the value. So ..........

鄭少秋女兒 鄭詠恩 狂吃19男 Photos of 11 shown here

This is the first case: Like Father Like Daugther (Not son like father, but daughter). 鄭少秋女兒-鄭詠恩- is being reported to kiss 19 guys! Sometimes even two guys within one night. Finally, there is a website show all the 11 guys, in between 2 are Westerners, the rest appears to be Asian. So where are the rest of 8? Or could it be more? We not sure, but here is some very clear photos....

Want to see the others? This website gives you 11. Let me know if you can find more or clearer source.

The Hong Kong famous street food / snack - 鸡蛋仔

Those who been to Hong Kong, should know Hong Kong got many street food / snack. I have showed you some previously. here is another one, called 鸡蛋仔. And in fact, this is also avialable at many other asian countries like Singapore and Malaysia. But what is so special about Hong Kong one? According to one expert, a good 鸡蛋仔, besides taste is good, it must be:

1) half fill half empty
2) outside crispy soft inside
3) not too sweet

And there is one, a famous one, you see long queue everday at any hour, along the Nathan road, near to Jordan MTR, before the Macdonal, opposite the Tsim Sha Tsui police station. You will see this:

The poster from the signboard all the way to the ceiling....

A permenant sigh saying there will be many people, so please queue...

These are the equipments, do they clean? I not sure:

Here you are....

Frankly speaking, I like those with some favour like red bean inside.

A creative restaurant

This is the most creative name I have ever seen for a restaurant. It has only a very simple design. Three banners, one on top in the middle, one on left and one on right. But the yellow background with red words can easily catch your attention. It is called "伤心酸辣粉",and on the right it says "辣到流眼泪" and on the left "酸到流口水". Nice isn't it?

It makes me feel like to try how spicy or sour it is. Anyway, it is at Sham Shui Po 深水埗 near the computer centers there.

TVB red carpet 台庆颁奖红毯 : Couple including 佘诗曼 and 郑嘉颖

Definitely there are some couples between actress and actors. The most famous and hottest now is the 绯闻情侣: 佘诗曼 and 郑嘉颖. I not sure how many "boy friends" did 佘诗曼 had before. I just know that I alway read about her. In fact, I used to like her a lot. But too bad, she got too many "boyfriends".

So lets see who are the rest in the photos (doesn't mean that they are couple): 胡定欣 & 谢天华, 黄宗泽 & 陈法拉, 徐子珊 & 苗侨伟.

Another pair 钟嘉欣 & 林峰 already shown previously. Or maybe I cut the 林峰 out to keep only 钟嘉欣.

New Year Count Down Fireworks at Hong Kong

This is the most crowded event I ever seen. The police started to block the road since evening around 5 or 6pm. And the people start to flood the street since 6 or 7 pm. What you can see just black heads everywhere. I manage to squeeze all the way in to the middle of Nanthan road right in the middle (police sealed the way to water front, as I was late, already 11pm). And here is what I saw at the time close to 12am:

Above is facing south, i.e. to the direction of HK island. Below is facing north.

You wonder why people at the first photo look at left, and the people on the second photo look at right? Because there is an electronic count down board on the east. And finally.....

Too small? Here got a full video by a guy who queue for good position possible since 6pm....

Can't wait for the 23 minutes fireworks during Chinese New Year!

TVB red carpet 台庆颁奖红毯 : Young pretty actress Part 2

If you find not enough from yesterday TVB actress, today got a few more photos. You can see them from another angle and have a better look at their dressing. No doubt, you want to be famous in Hong Kong, a place with so many pretty girls, you really must be something. Just pretty definitely is not enough.

Next day will show the couple series.

TVB red carpet 台庆颁奖红毯 : Young pretty actress Part 1

These are the photos from TVB anniversary celebration red carpet. So the most attractive must be those young actress, no doubt they all are pretty. Many of them were ex Miss Hong Kong. One out of thousand, how can be no pretty. And many of them got the brain too.

Also pay attention to their dressing as well. So far 郭羡妮 get all the attention, she is the front page of all the magazines and newspaper, so lets see what she wears. Besides her, here we got 杨怡, 李诗韵, 钟嘉欣, 杨思琦.

Today just show a few first, then more for the following days. No ranking in the above photos. This is very important, the one in front doesn't mean they are more popular. I like the last two most!