Silver Black Card

The Silver Black Card is a luxury and personalised membership program designed to directly benefit its member. The card offers exclusive benefits for a range of diverse establishments around Hong Kong.

SilverBlack Card presents Hong Kong Dog Rescue Tribute Book Signing with special guest appearance by Rosemary Vandenbroucke, HKDR Ambassador. This event will take place on Saturday October 18th at the Terrace at FINDS, 2/F, LKF Tower, 33 Wyndham Street, Central from 5pm to 8pm. Entrance: Free, please RSVP arun@entertainingasia.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 2815-7919.


- Signing of the HKDR Tribute Book by Rosemary Vandenbroucke, HKDR Ambassador
- Auction of custom couture doggie outfits designed by Kanchan Couture (
- SilverBlack Card Stall (
- DJ Tai Pan Dan plays Funk/Soul/Rare Grooves.
- Complimentary light refreshments and canapés

Ladies night on Wed and Men night on Thu at Soda

LADIES NIGHT Every Wednesdays 9pm-12
'What's a Girl to do' Ladies Night @ Soda

Finally, Central comes alive on Wednesdays with a Ladies Night so the girls can glam it up and celebrate in style. Why hate the game when you can be a player? Gals looking to get their groove on. Guy's more than welcome to join the party


MENS NIGHT Every Thursday 9pm-12
'The Boys are back in town' Men's Night @ Soda.

Anyone's guess as we buck the trend and look after our boys...ladies may have to pull some smooth moves to get free drinks on this night! Ladies, anything goes. Guys, looking for some smooth style here, to go with those dance moves.


Champagne ladies night at Beijing Club

Champagne ladies night at Beijing Club continues every Thursday night. Each Thursday ladies enjoy free champagne and all Beijing Club, Club No.9, Hei Hei and Ha Ha members enjoy 50% off. 2/F, 3/F and 5/F, Wellington Place, 2-8 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong. Tel 2526 8298 for bookings.

So ladies enjoy your night every thu.

Hang Seng Card 恒 生 信 用 卡 Promotions

卡 類 服 務 > 加 州 紅 唱 K 全 單 7 折 , 再 送 人 氣 小 食

推 廣 期 : 由 即 日 起 至 2008 年 10 月 31 日
逢 星 期 三 憑 恒 生 信 用 卡 到 加 州 紅 唱 K , 即 享 全 單 7 折 。
於 整 個 優 惠 期 內 , 每 4 位 惠 顧 , 仲 送 你 人 氣 小 食 1 碟 ( 價 值 高 達 HKD35 )
其 他 日 子 都 有 人 頭 費 9 折 !唱 K 訂 房 一 線 通 ︰ 2342 2342 ( 按 2 字 )
網 址 ︰

卡 類 服 務 > 香 港 喜 來 登 酒 店 美 饌 優 惠 低 至 75 折

推 廣 期 : 由 即 日 起 至 2008 年 11 月 30 日
憑 恒 生 信 用 卡 到 香 港 喜 來 登 酒 店 , 即 可 於 下 列 食 府 專 享 美 饌 優 惠 ︰ 咖 啡 廳 、 雲 海 日 本 料 理 及 天 寶 閣 ︰ 午 市 75 折 ; 其 他 時 段 8 折
蠔 酒 吧 及 新 餐 廳 ︰ 全 日 8 折

保 險 服 務 > 成 功 投 保 「 家 居 保 障 計 劃 」 免 費 獲 贈 手 提 吸 塵 機

推 廣 期 : 由 即 日 起 至 2008 年 11 月 22 日
成 功 投 保 「 家 居 保 障 計 劃 」 可 獲 以 下 獎 賞 :
Princess 手 提 式 強 力 吸 塵 機 乙 部 ( 價 值 HKD480 )
兼 享 保 費 永 久 八 折 優 惠
(1)經 網 上 或 投 保 熱 線 成 功 投 保 , 更 可 獲 額 外 豁 免 一 個 月 保 費
(2)有 關「 家 居 保 障 計 劃 」 之 詳 盡 承 保 範 圍 ,
請 瀏 覽

卡 類 服 務 > 景 福 珠 寶 購 物 日 低 至 3 折 優 惠

恒 生 信 用 卡 客 戶 專 享 景 福 珠 寶 購 物 日 優 惠 , 可 以 低 至 3 折 選 購 全 場 品 牌 手 錶 及 珠 寶 首 飾 。
日 期 ︰ 2008 年 9 月 21 日 ( 星 期 日 )
時 間 ︰ 9:30 am – 7:00 pm
地 點 ︰ 景 福 珠 寶 中 環 店
地 址 ︰ 香 港 中 環 德 輔 道 中 30 - 32 號 地 下景 福 珠 寶 查 詢 熱線 : 2822 8524網 址 ︰

銀 行 服 務 > 成 為 「 優 進 」 理 財 客 戶 可 享 一 連 串 迎 新 優 惠

推 廣 期 : 由 即 日 起 至 2008 年 12 月 31 日
成 為 「 優 進 」 理 財 客 戶 , 可 享 以 下 一 連 串 迎 新 優 惠 :
特 惠 港 元 定 期 存 款 年 利 率
高 達 $400 恒 生 信 用 卡 Cash Dollars
自 動 參 加 抽 獎 , 有 機 會 贏 取 高 達 $50,000 恒 生 信 用 卡 Cash Dollars
預 先 批 核 恒 生 白 金 卡 及 永 久 免 年 費 優 惠
詳 情 請 瀏 覽

Campus offer by the Apple - include iphone 3G

These are the exclusive offer provided by Apple,, for the students. Basically you can get iMac, Macbook Air, iPod, iPhone, iPhone 3G, Marc Pro etc at a discount price if you are a registered full time students.

If you are an Apple fan, this is for you.

Most prettiest and comprehensive online game - no download at all

Take a look at this fantastic online game Travian developped at Hong Kong / Taiwan. You will be surprise with its online graphical interface. They looks so nice. Basicall you start from an empty village something like this. 每一名玩家都由一條細小村莊開始發展

And slowly, you can develop it into a city as follows. 不斷攻城掠奪,以外交、權謀、諜戰、結盟、分工等等,帶領人民走向最終勝利。
Superior graphical interface. And even better, no download is needed, all online.

Halloween Bash - do YOU dare?

Halloween soon.. Disney and Ocean Park all preparing for it, and the party is going to begin today! Disney have its space mountain be the Halloween theme, Ocean Park have a special arrangement for the Halloween party. Ticket are sold seperately on Ocean Park. And don't be surprise, the tickets is more expensive than the park itself. In terms the degree of terrible, Ocean Park Halloween will be much more scary.

Tips for enjoying your day at Ocean Park, there are two types of ticket. There are two types of tickets, one $225, please be expect to have a long queue for your turn, and very likely you can only finish 3 out of the 6 ghosts house. So they have this fast pass ticket, cost you $395, in which you can cut the queue. However, there are limited fast pass ticket, be sure you manage to get it, as it sold out fast.

Macau International Fireworks Display Contest

20th Macau International Fireworks Displays Contest will be held on September 13, 14, 20, 27 and October 1 at the sea area in front of the Macau Tower. The Macau International Fireworks Display Contest, organized by Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO), has always been an important event. This year Wynn Macau continues to be the title sponsor for the Macau International Fireworks Display Contest. MGTO Director João Manuel Costa Antunes and Wynn Macau President Ian Coughlan attended the press conference today.

Wynn Macau - 20th Macau International Fireworks Display Contest will be held on September 13, 14, 20, 27 and October 1 at the sea area in front of the Macau Tower. As two dates of the contest, September 14 and October 1 fall on Mid Autumn Festival and China's National Day, teams from Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia and China will deploy their skills to add extra sparkle to the celebrations. For more info:

MOS - Beijing Club HK "We're Not Cool!"

Ministry of Sound presents "We're not cool!" on Thu 25 Sept at Beijing Club Hong Kong. The ticket price is HK$220 on the door for men.

This photo helps you to determine "are you a pig?"

We used to use the word "pig" to describe someone that is lazy or stupid. But sometimes we just use the word "pig" to say you are funny, cute, or KL..... (kuai lan)... Just a joke. Take a look at this photo, and determine if you are "pig" enough?

Are you a pig? Yes I am. That is why I took this photo.

Such a high rental for a small stall

Look at these two very very small stalls, the owner ask for a rental of HK 10k and 8k (around USD 1250 to 1000) per month. The location is at Mong Kok, and the owner requires you to tell clothes, shoes, or bags only. No other things.

I look around, the other stalls selling clothes at the price range of HKD 100, so basically you need to sell 80 clothes per month in order to overcome the rental, that is about 2 clothes per day, and this is just to cover the rental, not your income yet.

Hong Kong Science Museum - You can try it out yourself

At the Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科学馆, there are a few demonstrations. However, as a visitor, not only just to watch the demonstration, you can participate too, all of you, every visitor, if you wish to.

Take a look at this mirror case, there is a section on the mirrors, all sort of mirros. And this one can make your body disappear.

Next, this experiment teaches you how to generate wind, and you can try to feel the dry ice....

Very nice, the person simply let everyone have a feel on it.

Hong Kong Science Museum - Hign Tech Games

There are many high tech games in the Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科学馆, for example, in these two games showing below, all you need to control your hands, legs and body in order to play the game. Basically yourself is in the game! Pretty cool, and not only the children like it, adults like it too.

Feel like to try it out yourself? I can remind you there will be a long queue!

Hong Kong Science Museum - Let you see how the things work

In the Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科学馆, they make the presentation so well that you can take a look on how the things work. For example, what is inside an engine, how an engine functions. Take a look at these two videos and you will understand.

Lets not forget the biggest demonstration in the science museum as shown above. It is about three storeys height, and will be running every 1 to 2 hours.

Definitely it is a good place for you and your kids to learn something practical, and I am sure you will like it.

Hong Kong Science Museum Special Exhibition - The Deep *Best*

Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科学馆 has a special exhibition - "The Deep" that shows all the animals that are living under deep in the water. A lot of the spieces are so rare and they may extinct right now. Take a look at a few samples taken.

They organize all the samples based on the depth that those fishes living. You will be surprise there are living animals in such a deep sea that has no sun light. Just due to this special exhibition, it is worth while to visit the museum. So visit it before it ends.

Newspaper in Hong Kong

Paid Newspapers in Hong Kong:
South China Post
China Daily
Yahoo Hong Kong News

TV News
TVB News
ATV News

Free Newspaper in Hong Kong:
Headline 头条
Metro 都市
The Standard

Free Magazine in Hong Kong:
Metro Pop

Religion related:
Ming Hui 明慧

Listing from Yahoo:

All you need to know about Hong Kong Properties


Centa 中原地產
HK Property


Hong Kong Film Archive 香港电影资料馆

The Archive started operation in 1993, when its Planning Office was established by the then Urban Council. Besides conducting campaigns to secure and preserve films and related materials, it also launched a series of publications as well as presenting film programmes and exhibitions. Upon the dissolution of the Urban Council, the Archive became a part of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in 2000.

Looking Back on the Cinema of the 1960s
Exhibition: 2/8-26/10/2008

Some others include:
e-wave: The TV films of Patrick Tam
Screening: 19/9-12/10/2008

In Memory of Queen's Theatre
Exhibition opens on 20/3/2008

More infomation:

Tour Hong Kong Disneyland as a VIP guest

From 2 to 12 September 2008, iAuction invites you to bid on a Hong Kong Disneyland Premium Tour Family Package. If you win, you'll enjoy priority entry to your favourite Hong Kong Disneyland attractions, plus prime viewing spots for shows and fireworks!

What's more, you'll be welcomed with VIP service and a breathtaking view at the Kingdom Suite of the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.

Bidding starts at just 8,000 Asia Miles and closes at 11:59am on 12 September 2008. Start bidding now!

Australian Film Festival @ Hong Kong

The Australian Consulate-General in association with the Screen Australia Embassy Roadshow, is proud to present the Australian Film Festival 2008 in Hong Kong. This year’s festival brings to Hong Kong several new films, including the multi award-winning features Romulus, My Father, starring Eric Bana and Kodi Smith-McPhee and The Home Song Stories, starring Joan Chen, Qi Yuwu and Joel Lok.

Opening the festival is Clubland, starring Brenda Blethyn and Frankie J. Holden. Our closing night Starlight Cinema event at the Finge Club will include a selection of Australian short films including the Oscar® nominated The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello and Birthday Boy, also an Oscar® short film nominee.

19-28 September 2008
Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wanchai (HKAC)
Hong Kong Space Museum, Tsim Sha Tsui (HKSM)
Hong Kong Fringe Club

More info:

Places to Visit in Hong Kong

Theme Parks:
- Summer special celebration at Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park
- Lunar New Year Celebration at Disney and Ocean Park
- Ocean Park Haloween Bash - Live Photos
- Halloween at Disney - Photos
- Halloween Bash in Hong Kong
- Disneyland - Tour like VIP
- Celebrate your Christmas at HK Disney with Mickey: Part I
- Celebrate your Christmas at HK Disney with Mickey: Part II

- Summer Pop Live in Hong Kong “香港夏日流行音乐节”
- Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival 2009
- Hong Kong Lifestyle Showcase
- Dragonfly Festival at Wetland Park
- ACGHK 香港动漫电玩节 2009 + 穗港澳动漫游戏展 + 中国沈阳东北亚动漫盛会
- Hong Kong Book Fair 香港书展2009
- Stanley Dragon Boat Competition 赤柱龍舟錦標賽
- Hong Kong Cheung Chau Bun Festival 長洲太平清醮搶包山 2009
- Experience Hong Kong' unique Chinese Culture and Festivals
- Hong Kong Food and Wine Year - 香港美酒佳肴年
- Hong Kong Flower Show 2009 - Sea of flowers * Photos *
- Hong Kong Flower Show 2009 - Big Animals * Photos *
- Ngong Ping Shaolin Showcase 昂坪少林大会
- 6 Performances / International Events for Feb and March at Hong Kong
- Lunar New Year Lantern Carnivals 2009 春节大型彩灯展览
- Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2009 香 港 马 拉 松
- 37th Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港艺术节
- Chinese New Year Market at Hong Kong (photos + videos)
- Chinese New Year at Sha Tin 沙田 车公庙
- Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Chinese New Year Parade 2009
- The Giant 23 mins Hong Kong Chinese New Year Fireworks
- BIG Chirstmas Lighting at TST from various angles
- Halloween Monster at Knutsford Steps
- Oktoberfest desgined for girls - Part II
- Oktoberfest live photos - Part I
- Shake it babe - Lan Kwai Fong Carnival Live Video

- Now you can pray 黃大仙 online 網上祈福
- Stanley 赤柱 - Local and Tourist favourite - my tips for you
- Ngong Ping 昂坪 360下月起加票價
- Hong Kong Antiquities and Monuments 古物古蹟

- Hong Kong Science Museum
+ Special exhibition - the deep
+ High tech game
+ Let you see how the things work
+ Try it out yourself
+ Dinosaur is in the town *Free Admission*

- Hong Kong Space Museum
+ You can fly, control a space machine, and walk on the moon here
+ Let fly around

Other Museums:
- Hong Kong over hundred years historical building - 香港百年歷史建築伯大尼博物館
- The French REvolutions - Special exhibition at Hong Kong History Museum
- Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港艺术馆
- Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館

- Hong Kong Tram Guide 香 港 电 车 地 图
- Want to experience the village life in Hong Kong? And taste the 盆菜
- Hong Kong Victoria Habour Light Show *video*
- Hong Kong Temple Street 庙街 after dark *video*
- Star Ferry Habour Tour

- Tips + day trip itinerary for ShenZhen 深圳
- Want to have romantic dinner at Hong Kong?
- How to get a cheaper ticket to Macau - useful tips

- Hong Kong Tourists Center

- Tour Macau or Island or China with Travel Agency
- All websites you need before visit Macau
- Macau International Fireworks Display Contest

- Weather Forecast for Tourist Attractions in Guangdong

Educations in Hong Kong

Hong Kong educations is now 5-2-3, i.e. Form 5 for secondary school, Form 7 for pre-university, 3 years University.

Or also Form 5, then continue wiht 2 years Diploma, and then continue with another 2 years of Higher Diploma.

But two more years, it will be 3-3-4 standards, i.e. 6 years for secondary school, and 4 years for university.

Below are some link to the Hong Kong Educations:

- Hong Kong Art School 香港艺术学院
- London Arts Academy 倫敦藝術大學

Culture Activites in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is rich with culture activities, here is an online guide:

Photo Albums:
- HK Rugby Sevens Tournament 七人榄球赛 - Supporters in Uniform - Last Part
- HK Rugby Sevens Tournament 七人榄球赛 - Supporters in Uniform
- HK Rugby Sevens Tournament 七人榄球赛 - Pretty Girls Pretty Hats
- HK Rugby Sevens Tournament 七人榄球赛 - Pretty Girls Dress for their countries
- HK Rugby Sevens Tournament 七人榄球赛 - Special "Hair" Dressing Supporters
- HK Rugby Sevens Tournament 七人榄球赛 - "Ordinary" Supporters

Events / Performances:
- National Theatre of China - Red Rose & White Rose, 中國國家話劇院《紅玫瑰與白玫瑰》
- "Soul 21 grams"《相聚21克》
- "Love Letters" 《情信》80% discount, show on Oct
- 《破地獄與白菊花》(鬼節版)
- Four concerts at Hong Kong - Placebo, Il Divo, Magnetic Soul, Little Dragon
- Two plays: 《神探天才影帝のSuspect F》 and 《認真地,玩。》
- Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival 2009
- 糊塗戲班 《笑の大學》
- ”Animal Geographic”《生物的不可思議生存大搜奇》
- Two international concerts on June at Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Ballet is presenting Swan Lake!
- 37th Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港艺术节
- Oktoberfest live photos - Part I
- Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival
- JAM 2008 Hong Kong
- The Magic Hour 黑帮有个荷里活
- 怪師傅 Master-why - 港式點心
- Hong Kong Ballet – Lecture & Performance on Giselle 香港芭蕾舞團 《吉賽爾》表演 及 互動多媒體講座︰漫談《吉賽爾》
- New Vision Art Festival
- Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards 香港独立短片及录像比赛 IFVA
- Australian Film Festival 2008
- Hong Kong International Festival of Chinese Orchestras
- Hong Kong International Arts and Antiques Fair

- Public Art Hong Kong 香港公共艺术 PAHK
- Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港艺术中心 HKAC
- Hong Kong Repertory Theatre 香港话剧团 HKREP
- 國際演藝評論家協會
- Hong Kong Film Archive 香港电影资料馆
- Opera Hong Kong 香港歌剧院
- Kwai Tsing Theatre 葵青劇院
- 新域劇團
- Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 賽馬會創意藝術中心 JCCAC

Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康乐及文化事务署 LCSD:
- Cultural Presentations 文化节目组
- Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre 艺术推广办事处
- Entertainment Office 娱乐节目办事处

Musical Team:
- Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交响乐团
- Hong Kong chinese Orchestra 香港中樂團
- Hong Kong Phiharmonic Orchestra 香港管玄乐团

- Art Map
- Kubrick online culture activites information
- Broadway Cinema online movies discussion and information

New Vision Art Festival at Hong Kong 新视野艺术节

This year's Festival – its fourth appearance – is no exception and sees the realisation of a number of exciting local and overseas co-commissioned projects. These include Nederlands Dans Theater I's Renature by Wayne McGregor with music by Karen Tanaka; Liang Hongyu, the final part of Li Liuyi's Trilogy of War Heroines, co-commissioned with the Holland Festival; and Zuni Icosahedron's God Came to China. Yo-Yo Ma's creative concerts with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra add to the vibrant, mix, along with programmes such as About Khon, Kisaeng Becomes You and Fragile Beauty, where traditional art forms are reinterpreted in contemporary modes to explore and comment on life today.

今年已是第四届举办的「新视野艺术节」,跟以往一样,将呈献数个由我们与香港或海外艺团联合委约创作的新作品,包括:由荷兰舞蹈剧场一团演出,韦恩.麦葛莱格编舞,田中嘉伦作曲的《原》;与荷兰艺术节联合委约,由李六乙执导的《巾帼英雄三部曲》的第三部《梁红玉》;以及进念.二十面体的《上帝来到中国》。 世界知名的大提琴家马友友,将来港与两大本地乐团 ─ 香港中乐团和香港管弦乐团合作,演出两场充满创意的音乐会。此外,《关于箜舞》、《妓.生》、《镜花》都是糅合传统艺术和当代艺术元素,并以审视现今生活文化为题旨的节目,表现新世代艺术创作的活力。「新视野艺术节」─一个不断汇聚八方、推介创新表演、鼓励创意思维的平台,期待您的参与。

How to tour Macau or other island in HK

If you want to tour Macau 澳門, other Hong Kong islands 外岛, Guangdong 廣東 or Zhuhai 珠海, or some of the China 中國 cities, of course you can buy the boat ticket at your own. However, if you want to get a stay at those places, it would be good if you get a package from the travel agencies in Hong Kong.

Belows are a few famous Hong Kong trustable big travel agencies, you can compare their price online too.. it appears that 香港中國旅行社 will be cheaper.

香港中國旅行社 or 中旅 China Travel Service
油蔴地旅遊 HYFCO Travel Agency
永安旅遊 Wing On Travel
康泰旅行社Hong Thai

Speed date - Table of six! More female participants and male!

There are a lot of speed date services in Hong Kong. And to your surprise, always there will be more female participants than male, why? Because there are more female than male in Hong Kong.

Take a look at these few sites, they organize dinner for different groups of people. For examples, some dinner only for those with Master degree and above, some for Financial field, some for English speaking.

Clubbing in HK

HK is a happening place. Besides the famous Lan Kwai Fong 兰桂坊, which is very crowed during Fri and Sat night, there are others several clubs/pubs. However, please beaware that clubs and pubs are not non-smoking area until 2011. So if you are non-smoker, pay attention to it.

3 Aug: Rendezvous on Wednesdays
31 July: Belvedere IX Party at Billion
13 July: Hed Kandi First Pool Party at 18 July
11 July: Lan Kwai Fong Beer Fest 兰桂坊国际美食啤酒节 2009 * Photos *
1 June: Triumph Lingerie Show at Club No.9
1 June: Lady GAGA Ladies Night at Club No.9
16 May: Hed Kandi Nu Disco Tour and DJ Anand this Fri and Sat
9 March: Adidas celebrate orginality house party
13 Feb: Old School Party with Complimentary Cocktails
15 Nov: Wine tasting event
11 Nov: Hed Kandi World Series Tour - TICKETS ON SALE
3 Nov: Doraemon in Halloween at Lan Kwai Fong
29 Oct: Halloween at Beijing Club
29 Oct: JAM 2008 Hong Kong
25 Oct: Lan Kwai Fong Carnival Live Video
22 Oct: Lan Kwai Fong Carnival 2008
15 Oct: KASKADE - Party this coming Fri
15 Oct: Ministry of Sound Presents Shane Kehoe
15 Oct: Hong Kongs International Music and Dance Festival
15 Oct: Armani Exchange at Beijing Club
26 Sept: Silver Black Card
26 Sept: Ladies and Men night at Soda
26 Sept: Champagne ladies night at Beijing Club
24 Sept: Beijing Club "We're not cool!"

Lan Kwai Fong 兰桂坊 or

Knutsford Steps 諾士佛台 or

Hong Kong Clubbing
Daddy Pub: Pub for the father only?

Hot Party TV

Others Blogs:
Blog on HK Clubbing:
Another Blog:
Another Website:

Bar Bar
Hei Hei Club
Beijing Club
Club PP

Speed date: Guide to HK speed date