Hong Kong Disney Halloween Celebration 迪士尼黑色世界

It is Halloween again soon, as usual, Hong Kong Disneyland has make over itself be a haunted house. With all kind of decorations and toys that all match to the Halloween theme. So lets take a look if you haven't decide if you are going to join in the fun.

How is it? Well, more toys with the Halloween theme than last year, I think.

香港东亚运动会 Hong Kong Asia Game 2009

You must not miss this history in the making when the 5th East Asian Games kicks off in the world-famous Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong! The renowned production team of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will present to audience a "three-most" ceremony – the largest backdrop, the largest stage and the largest number of spectators.

Opening Ceremony
Date 5.12.2009 (Sat)
Time 8:00pm*
Venue Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza,
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Ticket Price HK$1,000

Closing Ceremony
Date 13.12.2009 (Sun)
Time 8:00pm*
Venue Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Ticket Price HK$200, 400 & 600


地址: 香港中环红棉路29号香港公园体育馆2楼 (中环花园道山下缆车站侧)
开放时间: 每日上午10:00至晚上9:00

Halloween Celebrations at Hong Kong 2009

These are 3 big major Halloween celebrations at Hong Kong this year, at Disney 迪士尼, Ocean Park 海洋公园 and Lang Kwai Fong 兰桂坊.


日期: 2009年9月18日至10月31日
地点: 香港迪士尼乐园


日期: 9月25至27及30日; 10月1至4, 9至11, 16至18, 23至25及29至31日; 2009年11月1日
时间: 下午5:30至午夜
地点: 香港海洋公园


日期: 2009年10月30至31日
时间: 晚上7:00至10:00
地点: 兰桂坊
票价: 免费入场

云集过百餐馆、酒吧的兰桂坊举行万圣节街头派对, 既有特色街头表演, 又有最新潮鬼马的「哗鬼」及美酒佳肴伴您一起狂欢, 为您打造一个难忘节日!

Two great performances - Encore Series - Guitar Recital by John Williams and Opera: Mozart’s The Magic Flute

一代結他大師載譽重臨 -「喝采系列 : 約翰.威廉士結他演奏會」
The King of Guitar Returns - Encore Series - Guitar Recital by John Williams

'…the undisputed king of the classical guitar' The Times

Featuring classical works by Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Granados, Albeniz, John Williams, Mangore and Peter Sculthorpe,
traditional Irish tunes, and favourite themes from soundtracks of award-winning films

Tickets available from 8 Sept onwards at all URBTIX outlets, English

Opera: Mozart’s The Magic Flute

An amazing medley of comedy and heroism, of evil and enlightenment,
with music that matches the spectacle in its variety and appeal.

門票於9月7日起在各城市電腦售票處發售, 中文
Tickets available from 7 September onwards at all URBTIX outlets, English

Cantonese Operatic Songs Gala Concert 「粵港澳紅伶齊唱賀國慶」粵曲演唱會

To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China,
more than 20 Cantonese Opera Masters from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao
will gather together to present a gala of all-time favourites.

為慶祝建國六十周年, 粵港澳二十多位粵劇名伶雲集香江,獻唱經典名曲, 妙音粵韻,齊賀國慶!

30-31.10.2009 (星期五及六Fri-Sat) ? 7:30pm
Arena, Hong Kong Coliseum, Hung Hom
$390, 250, 150, 100

《洛水夢會》         梁兆明、蘇春梅(粵)
《喜得銀河抱月歸之花神會》  蓋鳴暉、吳美英(港)
《文成公主之雪中情》     梁漢威(港)、郭鳳女(粵)
《唐宮香夢證前盟之牡丹頌》  丁 凡、蔣文端(粵)
《艷曲醉周郎》        李 龍、南 鳳(港)
《五湖泛舟》         林家聲、陳好逑(港)

《西廂待月》         林家聲(港)

《風流天子》         彭熾權、曾 慧(澳)
《打金枝》          陳劍聲、王超群(港)
《賣油郎獨佔花魁》      文千歲、梁少芯(港)
《七月七日長生殿》      歐凱明、麥玉清(粵)
《牡丹亭驚夢之幽媾》     吳仟峰、尹飛燕(港)
《胡不歸之慰妻》       尤聲普、陳好逑(港)
《牡丹亭之遊園驚夢》     黎駿聲、倪惠英(粵)

詳情請瀏覽節目網頁. Please visit programme details.


Join this sinnging competition, you could win a contract to be singer with the Universal Music 環球唱片.


加州紅擁用超強國語K歌庫,絕對是你練歌的選擇。今次我地更邀請到星級大使 - 孫耀威擔任評判,唱出國語新力量,回憶每個年代、每首歌曲。


初賽 - 09年9月19日
公開投票(http://fanz.asia) :09年9月21日-10月2日

決賽 - 09年10月10日
地點:黃埔YO Park

Boundless Multi-Media Series 多媒體無限系列

The Great War by Hotel Modern (The Netherlands)
14-15.8.2009 (五至六 Fri-Sat) 8pm
上環文娛中心劇院 Sheung Wan Civic Centre
$200, 160

Age of Wilderness by Shu Ning Presentation Unit
25-27.9.2009 (五至日 Fri-Sun) 8pm
26-27.9.2009 (六至日 Sat-Sun) 3pm
30.9 - 4.10.2009 (三至日 Wed-Sun) 8pm
3-4.10.2009 (六至日 Sat-Sun) 3pm
葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre

Olotila (State of Being) by Public Artistic Affairs (Finland)
9-10.10.2009 (五至六 Fri-Sat) 8pm
葵青劇院演奏廳 Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre
$200, 160

Electric Requiem: God Save the Queen
by Samson Young (Contemporary Musiking) & musicians of
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong
30-31.10.2009 (五至六 Fri-Sat) 8pm
31.10 - 1.11.2009 (六至日 Sat-Sun) 3pm
賽馬會創意藝術中心黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre

Multi-Media Lecture Series: Parallel Audiosphere
25-26.7.2009 (六至日 Sat-Sun) 3:30pm
香港文化中心展覽館 Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
1-2 & 9.8.2009 (六至日 Sat-Sun) 3:30pm
香港兆基創意書院展覽廳 Gallery, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

特別購票優惠高達八折,欲購從速!Up to 20% special booking discount available
票務查詢及留座 Ticketing Enquiries & Reservations: 2734 9009
信用咭電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999
網上訂票 Internet Booking:www.urbtix.hk
節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2268 7323

"I am not happy" 《我不快樂》

《我不快樂》 2-11/10/2009

W Theatre 繼四度公演的《攣到爆》後,W創作社主辦第二齣由梁祖堯主演的獨腳戲 《我不快樂》,以幽默內容配合形體演出「一齣關於遇上愛情、友情及人生的樽頸位的黑色喜劇」,由司徒慧焯、黃智龍聯合執導、黃智龍編劇,於10月2日起在藝術中心壽臣劇院公演13埸,場地所限,絕不加場。

其中八場更可以以優惠價$300購得原價$320 的門票!

Discount Form: http://www.wtheatre.org.hk/unhappy/unhappy_discount_letter.doc
Website: http://www.wtheatre.org.hk/
Enquiry:9267 2678 亞賢/ info@wtheatre.org.hk

30% or 七折 to 《2009室的細路》




粵語演出 In Cantonese

15, 18-21/8/2009 - 7:30pm
15-16, 22-23/8/2009 - 2:30pm
HK$200, $180, $150

14, 22/8/2009 - 7:30pm
HK$400, $250, $175

八五折優惠 - CY BUDDIES (中英之友)、CY kids (中英新丁)
九折優惠 - 中樂摯友會、香港芭蕾舞團之友、進念之友、CCDC Dance Generation、以舞會友
長者、學生額外九五折優惠 - CY kids (中英新丁)

節目查詢 3961 9803
電話留座 2734 9009
信用卡購票 2111 5999
網上訂票 www.urbtix.hk

四千金 and 四川組曲


2,10,12,13,18,29、48…..四千萬獎金就在眼前,忽然中獎彩票不見了!!!二十年前一張中獎彩票離奇消失,改變了金家四姐弟命運!!生命的序曲還未響起,變奏已打得四人頭昏腦脹!從此大家姐Guage(廖淑芬飾)終日埋頭鐘錶世界,只愛與神對話、二姐Dolly(林小寶飾)變成對人歡笑背人愁的怨婦、三弟Cay(林澤群飾)成了好食懶飛的隱蔽”電車肥男”、四弟 Coy(黃龍斌飾)則是落吧溝女閒時瞭雀的當代蒲精。一天,坐監二十年的金媽回來,…

9-11.10.2009 (星期五至日) 8pm
10-11.10.2009 (星期六至日) 3pm

正價成人票 $200(A),$160(B) 學生票 $100(A),$80(B)

訂票詳情,請致電9406 4773 RAYMOND。

四川組曲 由一個香港記者的報導出發,並以香港及內地受災者的不同視點,帶同觀眾進入這次大災難的種種經歷,以至管窺生命的哲學。

演出日期: 2009年8月13-14日7:15pm, 9:00pm
8月15日 2:45pm, 7:15pm, 9:00pm
8月18日 7:15pm, 9:00pm
8月19日 7:15pm
票價: $160, $130 (藝穗會會員),$80 (*全日制學生、長者及殘疾人士優惠,門票有限售完即止)
8月19日 9:00pm 慈善籌款場 (劃一票價: $500,不設任何優惠門票)

Rendezvous on Wednesdays

During the party, three top Hong Kong based French DJs Eric Byron, P.Grant and DJ Benjamin M will be spinning and a special performance will be made by Djaka Souvré, showcasing some of the best French house music exclusively at ‘Rendezvous on Wednesdays’.

Event Name: ‘Rendezvous on Wednesdays’
Date: 5th August 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: 20:00 – 23:00 Business Networking with Lucky Draw
23:00 till late The Party
DJs: Eric Byron, P. Grant and DJ Benjamin M
Special Performance: Djaka Souvré
Venue: DROP, Basement, On Lok Mansion, 39-43 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong
Title Sponsors: Kronenbourg 1664
Entrance: Admission: Free but RSVP required
RSVP: info@drophk.com / rsvp@silverblackcard.com / frencham@fccihk.com

Belvedere IX Party at Billion

Belvedere IX (pronounced One-X) is the new luxury spirit from Belvedere that brings the best in vodka quality and innovation at Beijing Club, Billion and Club No.9.

To taste Belvedere IX, just come to Belvedere IX party at Billion on Thursday 6, August, try Belvedere IX Pop Rocks Shooters, don’t forget to dress in sexy and funky in black and hot pink!

3/F, On Hing Building, 1-9 On Hing Terrace, Central, H.K.
booking tel: 2973 0918
website : http://www.billionclub.com.hk/

Summer Pop Live in Hong Kong “香港夏日流行音乐节”

This year, the "Summer Pop - Live in Hong Kong" “香港夏日流行音乐节” will be held on 15 and 16 of Aug 2009 (Sat and Sun). From 3pm to 11pm at Asia Expo Arena. On both days, there will be a series of famous singers attending the event, to see the list of singers, check out the website at: "Summer Pop.

For tourist from China, you can join by the following tours:

National Theatre of China - Red Rose & White Rose, 中國國家話劇院《紅玫瑰與白玫瑰》

張愛玲 Eileen Chang once says:


Maybe every man has had two
such women - at least two:
the wife with all her saintly ways, and
the mistress with her hot, beguiling charm...

香港文化中心大劇院 Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre
11-13.9.2009(星期五至日Fri-Sun)8pm $350,280,180,100
普通話演出‧中英文字幕 Performed in Putonghua with Chinese and English surtitles

詳情請瀏覽節目網頁 http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/tc/theatre/000000ca.html
For programme details, please visit http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/en/theatre/000000ca.html

Why so many people attended the Hong Kong Book Fair

The first day of the visitors to the Hong Kong book fair already achieve the same number of visitors as last year as reported in the news, why it that so? Because the economics so bad that people turn to book? Well, one obvious reason is due to these two girls, they are introducing their photo album at the book fair.

The first one is “靓界女神”Angelababy(杨颖)《巴黎写真》.

The second one is 周秀娜写真集《KissyChrissie》.

Just the two books above, they sold over 5000 copies in the first day. Of course, there are some other books as well, for example 《中國自助遊2009》《中國工人訪談錄》及《暮光之城》(《Twilight》中譯本)are some of the best seller. In addition, they also use some of the sales techniques like 人民幣兌港幣「1兌1」「買二送一」及「全場七折」 to increase the sales.

"Soul 21 grams"《相聚21克》

Here is another interesting show.... "Soul 21 grams". Heard that soul only weights 21 grams.





Website: http://www.istage.hk/soulmate/

獨家尊享折扣優惠:$150 優惠期及數量有限,立即行動!

24-26.9.09 (Thu-Sat) 8:00pm
26-27.9.09 (Sat-Sun) 3:00pm

香港文化中心劇場, 節目查詢 9708 7779

"Love Letters" 《情信》80% discount, show on Oct

The one besides you is not the one you love;
The one love you is waiting for you far far away;
Sending out one love letter after another;
In return only a series of wait.....


This is the show of 《情信》"Love Letters". The story is something like this 故事簡介:

For more information: 《情信》"Love Letters".

票價: $96 八折預售 (原價$120)

票價:$80 八折預售 (原價$100)

Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival 2009

HKCCF was first launched in 2004 in response to the rapid growing development of computer and information technology and the need for open up new opportunities in the industry. With the all round support, it has becomes the largest exhibition for IT industry in the region.

HKCCF 2009 will continue to follow the global IT trend with special focus on Digital Life, Digital Home and Digital Entertainment. Showcasing the latest technologies, as well as best quality, best valued and comprehensive products show our contribution and commitment to the industry and to the community.

8月21至23日 - 上午10:00至晚上10:30;
8月24日 - 上午10:00至下午6:00
票价: 港币$20
门票购买地点: 香港会议展览中心; 港铁及湾仔区OK便利店


Hong Kong Lifestyle Showcase

From 14-17 August 2009 at HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, there will be this exhibition: Hong Kong Lifestyle Showcase. At this exhibition, you will see the products range from clothing, accessories, jewellery, personal health care and skincare products, sports equipments, watches and all sort of fashion things.



《破地獄與白菊花》(鬼節版) 公演42場,場場爆滿. 《公主復仇記》、《娛樂大坑之大娛樂坑》得獎編劇黃詠詩黑色幽默顛峰之作,玩轉其祖母的盛大打齋喪禮,哭笑中意味深長。

09年9月4日至13日 - 8:15pm (9月7日休演)
09年9月5、6、12、13日 - 3:15pm
香港話劇團黑盒劇場 (上環文娛中心8樓)
票價:$180 / 150*

凡於7月22日前透過「詩人黑盒劇場」預購《破地獄與白菊花》(鬼節版) 門票,可以優惠價$150優先預訂指定場次原價$180門票 或 以正價優先預訂熱門場次門票,預留座位,限售200張,先到先得。查詢請電 9273 3479/9032 2913。

Dragonfly Festival at Wetland Park

From now until 30 Sept 2009, there will be Dragonfly Festival at Hong Kong Wetland Park. Open daily from 10am to 5pm. Activities include exhibition, walking tour, seminar, photographing competion etc. Lets see some of the photos from the exhibiton....


Four concerts at Hong Kong - Placebo, Il Divo, Magnetic Soul, Little Dragon

The concert by Placebo, Hong Kong is the only stop in Asia. The other two by Magnetic Soul and Little Dragon are live in a pub. You may also watch some video on youtube for the Little Dragon.

03/08/2009 : Placebo
At HITEC - Star Hall (Hong Kong is the only stop in Asia)
Tickets: HKD $480, $680

全球唱片销量逾1,200万张的英国摇滚乐三人组合Placebo,8月重临香港,为乐迷呈献历年大热作品,以及新碟《Battle For The Sun》中的全新力作,快来感受Placebo的澎湃活力吧!

26/09/2009 : An Evening with Il Divo
At Asia-World Arena

Magnetic Soul 4 Year anniversary with Total Science & Riya
Date: 01 August 2009
Time: 10:30PM-Late
Venue: Backstage Live
Address: 1/F Sompteux Central, 52-54 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong
Entrance: $200 Before Midnight, $250 After including Red Bull/Mixer
Lineup: Magnetic Soul Residents - Cookie, Blood Dunza,Saiyan, Fat Demon, Teem, and J-P Lui
MCs: Wonder and Capas
VJs: Ocular and Forivermann

Little Dragon Live in Hong Kong
Organizer :Love Da Records
Date :August 7th, 2009 (Friday)
Venue :Grappa’s Cellar
Time :8:30pm
Ticket Price :Advance $260 (incl. 1 drink)/ Door $300 (incl. 1 drink)
Ticketing :* Grappa’s Cellar (Jardine House, 1 Connaught Place, Central)
* Love Da Records (1/F, Glory Rise, 128 Chun Yeung St., North Point)
* All Hong Kong Records outlets
Enquiry : 2264-1025/ mailing@love-da-records.com

Summer special celebration at Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park

On this summer, both Disneyland and Ocean Park at Hong Kong have Special Summer Celebration. Diseny is using the theme "Party by the beach", while Ocean Park is using the theme of "Pre-historic".

Hong Kong Disneyland Summer Celebration
11 June to 31 Aug 2009


Adult: HKD $350, Children (age 3 to 11) HKD $250, Senior (65 and above) HKD $170.

1 July to 31 Aug 2009

快来海洋公园,展开一个以史前世界为主题的惊险旅程!超过20只史前恐龙强势驾临 “恐龙帝国”;还有暑期猛片《冰河世纪3:大威龙驾到》中的动物朋友和您一起跌进恐龙世纪!记住要挑战 “石器水世界”的疯狂玩水游戏,亲手发掘恐龙化石,玩个畅快淋漓!

Adult HKD $208, Children (age 3 to 11) HKD $103